Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day off from my day job i have to go to a funeral service and cremation at Lawnswood a Friend i use to work with and live near to , his mother passed away aged 92 , he came to my mothers funeral so i feel obliged to do the same.Its been a while since i have seen him he lived with his mother after marrying then divorcing within the space of a year that was when he was twenty one he is now 65 years old he has lived in the same street in the same house since.he never had another partner and never got involved with another woman , he does not own a i- pod or any type of mp3 player laptop or computer doubt he would have any idea where to begin , he has no digital camera but has a mobile phone that he struggles to use as Bruce Willis said in one of his films he is a Timex watch in a digital age , he looked after his mother 100% of ever day for the last twenty odd years , me i think that its quite sad ,as he could have had loads of photos digital recordings of his mothers live and memories cause i know when my mother died i wished i had have had more i had very little of my dad he died way before i had a pc laptop digital camera , i went to the service with Helen , i didn't take my camera and nothing was recorded of her last existence on earth by the amount of people there i think it will be a while before she is forgotten R.I.P

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Helen would really love to get her license and take driving lessons and then to pass her driving test so she could by one of these Nissan Figaro's , she has falling in love with them after seeing one the other weekend they are very retro and i do like them the interiors are very 50,s.

it would look brilliant parked next to my camper van which i would love to buy so we could load up with the goodies we would need for a weekend of on the road ,loads of warm bedding and pillows we would go touring to Scotland Ireland and the rest of the British isles.
We dream off parking them side by side on the drive of house we would love to buy over looking Dovestone reservoir , we never be in rain and shine we would walk all day taking photos of our travels and updating blogs along the way to tell of the people we have meet in the cafes pubs in towns and villages , be bliss be heaven we be happy beyond believe definitely need to win the lottery to be able to do it , if you don't have dreams not going to have any come true , it be us out of the rat race permanently , Helen could concentrate on her psychic medium work i be happy just recording history ,via the web one day soon hopefully.
Helen stayed out last night at her Friends in Flockton its only when someone is not there you realise that life is for sharing its better as a duet rather than solo ,pick Helen up in a few hours alas not in the camper van just yet.

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...