Tuesday, December 29, 2009

working tonight got up this morning at ten left Helen in bed another rainy wet and cold day back at work tonight doesn't seem like i have really been of due to the extra shifts i did at the weekend and working yesterday morning anyway had the best part of the day of and got home early so i ain't complaining

Monday, December 28, 2009

Called in to work seeing that i didn't work Christmas eve to clean before the centre reopens tomorrow i wont get paid for today i will just book Christmas eve in as normal had to get security to open up for me.It was in a reasonable state and it went pretty quick .
It is Helen's 41st birthday today bought her a couple bottles of perfume happy birthday Angel may you have plenty more happy times loads more merry Christmases and happy birthdays and great new years.
drove over to Saddleworth moors and Dovetone reservoir took the egg mayo sarnies and flask of tea and coffee was wearing the new over trousers what a godsend and our new walking boots which made it easier than wearing the trainers kept our feet dyer and warmer although a lot of the snow had gone in parts it was still iced over with a fair covering of snow on the hills mountains and the higher points it was colder but we did get some winter sun which made it ideal for walking

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Went to work again this morning up at quarter past six worked on Helen's old ward a bit ironic they are paying Helen sick pay and me over time pay for working on the ward she should be on full time but cant get , the other person allocated to the ward is also on sick its a crazy world.
Went to the Go Outdoors camping superstore sale at Pudsey and bought a pair of over trousers and a new Berghaus rucksack that is better organised with extra pockets and compartments then the old one that we have been using each , hopefully we go back to the moors tomorrow .

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Got up at quater past six to go to work BLOODY KNACKERED what a star , at least the car was not iced over and the morning went pretty fast and at half one was on my way home .
went to Helens mum and dads for tea another day we have not had to cook a main meal.
Another day didnt have a drink not really bothered last few days neither as Helen

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas morning i woke up with the one i love the most , i was given a silver and black stone pair of cuff links , a diamond cross ear stud which i have wanted for ages and a cmon for the car. i like to receive gifts that wont wear out and perish so i have them for years to come.
We went to Helen's parents for dinner and had a lovely turkey dinner with roasted veg and all the trimmings.
The day went really fast we had to go up to Helen's old house to take Sam her westie out her Ex was in Lincoln visiting his folks we are taking Sam out over the next few days until Sunday.
didn't get home until late had a great day and loved my third Christmas with Helen ALL I EVER WANTED FOR CHRISTMAS IS HELEN ALL I WANT NEXT YEAR IS HELEN CANT WAIT FOR 2010 CANT WAIT FOR NEXT XMAS .
On the evening at seven went over to meet up with Anne and Alan Irene and Ged at Marks ans Sue's house at Greengates palyed the game mr and mrs Helen and i won hehe

listening to :- Seal , hits deluxe edition

Thursday, December 24, 2009

its midnight Christmas eve and we are in Asda doing some shopping mainly veg and other essentials it is snowing and its laying pretty quickly .found out this morning that i am working three extra shifts seven while one thirty all paid at double time cant say no as i have been asking for over time for the last few months and i worked last Sunday so January's pay should be pretty good .went in to Leeds city centre went to primark bought some black v neck t-shirts and a couple of thick wool jumpers and ten pairs of socks .

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I have NOW broken up from work until the 4th of January 2010 , so no more early mornings ,its still very cold and there is still snow on the ground and roofs.
I bought a litre bottle of vodka and a litre bottle of Baileys a tenner each and a bottle of pimm's from a local off license .need some pear cider and cheap lager.
Went to go outdoors bought Helen a waterproof jacket and fleece and a pair of leather walking boots i also got some walking boots which are very comfy hopefully resulting in very warm and very dry feet.
Bought a turkey crown for boxing day that will be us dining on turkey two days running at least Harvey the cat will be well fed .Helen manage to get Only Fool and Horses box set on dvd for her son Liam on .

Friday, December 18, 2009

Got today off work although i will have to go in to work to night at my second job , trying to get a free grant for new central heating system installing .But it wont be until next year when we Will find out if we have been approved or rejected , so fingers crossed,it would be a great start to the new year if we was successful, woke up this morning to a blanket of snow i do hope it snows again this time next week fingers crossed that we have a white christmas .

Monday, December 14, 2009

www.tunasnax.com check out this site for number one games its wicked all done by a very good friend enjoy.
lazy Sunday finished the "Happy Christmas" salt dough letters just waiting for the varnish to dry then we are going to string it all together and hang it up , and hopefully we will see it for many more Christmas's , had a stew cooking in the slow cooker all day made a giant Yorkshire pudding Helen's mother gave us all the ingredients because we are skint again just a slight glitch some times a month seems to last six weeks trying to make the money last , never mind got enough rice and minced beef to make a chili that will last a few days and a another Friend has giving me a bad of red and green home grown chili peppers once the stew has gone I am never going to moan about making do we are better off then loads of others and still all worth it and I am still madly in love with a Angel called Helen , something’s will never change.

House is freezing we desperately need double glazing and a better central heating system to include upstairs rooms and maybe the landing , the house at the moment is just like living inside a fridge , and Helen is suffering she can’t keep warm , the warmest place is in bed with the heated blanket on we can’t stay in bed all winter as fun as it would be , would need plenty of tissues and a few bottles of Viagra hopefully should keep us both warm .

it doesn’t help not having any carpets down we need to sell my house to get the funds to make our house more habitable if I thought it was going to be this bad we shouldn’t have bought this house although it was very cheap we can’t put stuff right with the cost of the mortgage we pay every month and the money we have coming in once Helen quits her job this will reduce even further once I get paid I need to make sure I put as much as I can on the gas metre and in summer months get has much as in front as I can ready for the winter months .been asking for extra shifts at the hospital and it just aint happening even called in Saturday afternoon to enquire face to face no joy can’t do more than what I am doing and still there is too much month left and not enough wage

Saturday, December 12, 2009

mid week we went to see the Christmas lights in the city centre called in to the Wokon restaurant for noodles had a Singapore surprise what exactly the surprise was not sure Helen had a chow mien which looked and tasted twice better than mine .

Made some salt dough letters with Helen spelling happy Christmas after seeing it done on the telly they turned out ok we have painted them and need to add glitter and other decor to them before we hang them up on the tree or mantle , might do a happy 2010 as well .

Sunday, December 06, 2009

nearly done the living room we now need to buy a carpet and get it fitted which is £160 with underlay. Fitted the dimmer switch for the lights in the living room electrocuted myself doing it never turned the supply off and i was not using a insulated screw driver silly billy.Put the Christmas tree's up yesterday we bought a 4ft one for the dining room , two trees no carpet , put white lights in the kitchen above the range and blue lights in the front porch.Christmas always catches us out first year we moved in to the apartment three days before the 25Th last year a month before this year has just been hectic next year we are going to be better prepared , i bet we are he he.anyway a lot has happened this year divorced was final had to reapply for my job work on the house etc etc hope 2010 is a great year for us all if it ain't we are just going to have to get on with it cant wait.Anyway been with a ANGEL the last three years as well as CRACKER and the only thing i want for christmas is what i have got now ITS CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY thanks to Helen.

listening to :- timbaland shock value two

watching :- taking of phelam 123 brilliant film


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also ...