Thursday, August 09, 2007

my son wanted to sell his psp which he has hardly ever used since he got it at Christmas last so i gave him £40 for it .want to put DVD movies on a pain i know takes a while to convert to mpeg4 in some cases over a hour its mainly so when i am back catching and using the bus i can catch up on dvds and films i never would have had the time to watch .it has a 1 gig memory card and i can get three movies on which is ample for what i want.

we got new mattress for the king size bed not that we wore the old one out chance would be a fine thing it got delivered today we have bought the bed second hand its barely a year old but is not coming for another couple of weeks the people we are buying it from have jetted of to the states , so we have had to put it in the conservatory for the time being i am tempted to sleep on it in there on the floor with the patio doors open wide would be a bit like camping without the hassle of outdoor living its the nearest my wife would get to getting under canvas the wifey just shook her head and asked me if i had gone completely mad and she wouldn't join me .

i really just want a shag in the garden hehe i would love to but she wont anymore and i don't ask i have more chance of getting sun burnt at midnight .

I have got this girl in my head i cant get her out of my mind out she is with me constantly and in all my dreams and thoughts words and deeds and she is all my fantasies and dreams are of her these feelings and notions are not new they have been in my head for a long time , if only dreams came true,nothing wrong with wishful thinking


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also ...