Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also bought six pairs of white and black socks .Helen also  bought some Adidas with the green three stripes  I will buy myself another couple of pairs end of the month and another couple of Levi T-shirts the only other thing I needs is a new water proof coat to wear when I am walking the dogs .

WEDNESDAY  - Worked a full 12 hour shift from six at night until six in the morning I got home just before seven went to bed was up at half ten we had hairdressing appointments three hours sleep is not good .Helens hair appointment takes roughly three hours thought I would get a couple of hours in the car didn't happen .

SATURDAY - Went to Meadow Hall Helen bought me another pair  olive green Adidas training shoes from Sports Direct bless her It is appreciated .

Tuesday, September 03, 2024


 SATURDAY - Got up early had a shower took the dogs out on arriving back home decided to wash all of the house windows including patio doors inside and out including mirrors and shower door it took me a couple of hours but all windows are now crystal clear .Won £3.70 on the Euro Millions no won the jackpot so did a entry for Tuesdays draw  and did a Thunder Ball game for tonight's draw fingers crossed .

SUNDAY - Went to Meadow Hall Helen was after a pair of fur lined Dr Marten Chelsea  boots in brown they were £180 I got her £18 of using my Blue light card I have saved her over £120 in the last few months because of stores who offer discount .

Cooked steak mash potatoes broccoli and green beans for tea the steak  was ok it was a little bit tough after took Helen to spiritualist church , I waited in the car for three hours watched the Nicholas Cage film "Longlegs" and some You Tube .

MONDAY - Back at work not looking forward to it but least it's a job .Helen went to next and bought me some new jeans a pair of bleached , blue and light brown .It's really hard to get button flies for some reason had to get zipper .

t's really hard getting button flies had to get zipper from Next retailers in Huddersfield she is doing lots of readings so she treated me so a big thank you 

Saturday, August 31, 2024


 THURSDAY - Four more days until I return to work .Was up early had a shower before taking the dogs out for their morning walk the weather was ok could do with more sun and more heat but it is what it is .

dug out the lavender brushes at the front of the house after I trimmed them back with the hedge trimmer I fixed didn't cut through the wire this time .

Helen saw and photographed a u.f.o whilst we was driving to the petrol station in the afternoon I didn't see it as I was driving and we was going down a step hill that joined a main road .

Received a call from my son he was released from prison early they have not sort him out anywhere to live or any work what do they expect him to do he also couldn't get to the bank he doesn't have a bank card so he had no access to any cash not a great start to freedom , pity he is not an illegal immigrant he be house clothed feed and have money in his bank account. This country is fcuking going to the dogs we will be a third world country the way the government is fcuking it up for everyone .

FRIDAY - Went to Helens parents painted the wall they had replaced with board and screed also cut the remaining hedges and bushed that I didn't do when I cut the hedge trimmer cable last week .The picture below was before I painted it you can see the colour difference from one half of the photo to the other half  , now it all looks the same it was hard to see with the afternoon sunshine .


Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 TUESDAY - Opened up the edge trimmer which was not that easy they use special screw heads just to make life more difficult also they were narrow gauge and sunk deep in to the handle luckily I had the tools /There was also plastic clips to prise off once you had it opened the wire wrapped round a  ring the wires then went to join on to a capacitor which had terminal caps on the wires both live and neutral I cut these off and I had to order some more of these from Amazon  next day delivery .I did what I could and left it until the terminal end caps are delivered tomorrow what a pain .A new matching Flymo trimmer  the same as currently on Amazon is £85.

 WEDNESDAY - The terminal caps came I joined the live and neutral to the capacitor put the terminal end caps on crimped them in to place screwed the wire clamp back on and screwed the unit back together put the plastic clips in place and plugged it into the mains to my utter amazement it worked I though it might have blown the plug fuse when I sliced through the wire as it tripped the rest of the electrics in their home but it was fine .

Took Rosie to the groomers sure the cost has gone up by another £2 paying £44 she's worth it 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 SUNDAY - Helen was out most of the day doing readings at Mystical Moments a shop in near by Slaithwaite a few miles away I dopped her of at half past ten it would be around six when I pick her up. .Bought the ingredients for a stew which I will cook in the slow cooker with dumplings and Yorkshire puddings it will be ready when we get home at around  seven .

MONDAY - Hearing rumours of Oasis getting it back on with confirmation happening tomorrow with more then likely  with venues and tour dates being released .

Went to Helens parents they asked me if I could trim the bushes with the hedge trimmer only cut through the fcuking cable shite how embarrassing

TUESDAY - Its happening -

" The guns have fallen silent 

The stars have aligned 

The great wait is over 

Come see 

It will not be televised "

Friday, August 23, 2024


 SATURDAY - It was nice having yesterday off specially since we was in the hospital of a few hours .Helen had a few readings to do today two where coming to the house luckily she was ok although she wa suffering from a headache after using the 4head stick which you apply to your forehead to combat head aches with out the need to pop any tablets .It worked after a hours nap she was 90% better try it if you suffer from headaches its half decent and costs under a fiver.

Early evening went to the local Aldi and Co -op bought a pizza , sweets , grapes , strawberries and dog food and dog biscuits .

SUNDAY - Washed the car and watered the garden both needed doing specially the wheels and hanging baskets .Helen went to church then I took her to Denby Pie Hall two spiritualist were on stage giving messages out , Helen didn't receive any on the way home we got pizza and fries , another weekend done and dusted .

Work on Monday till Friday then a whole nine days off  don't think the weather will be that great but hey ho.

FRIDAY - I break up  to night for a whole nine days off work cant say I am disappointed , I have load of films to watch and a new book to read Shari Lapena "Thing Go Flying" . and a couple of new albums and podcasts so I wont be bored doing nothing .

Saturday, August 17, 2024


FRIDAY - Had to take Helen to the doctors with her hiatus hernia long story short they basically told us to go to Huddersfield A&E Department we got there just after half past three.
I had to ring in at work let them know I wouldn't be coming in for my shift at six p.m. , what can I do I know they cant cover it at such short notice but I don't have any other options .
They did her temperature , blood pressure then they took her bloods after this Helen had a i.v drip and other medicine's put into her i.v line they had to re-take her bloods because her potassium levels where too high , this can happen if the torniquet is too tight when drawing the blood , which I think was the case because the second sample came back fine .They did a Ecg that was ok so we was free to go home it was just half past seven o under four hours not a bad result . 


 TUESDAY - Helen bought me some Adidas white with blue strip trainers love getting new shoes cant wear new jeans with old trainers . I also ...